July 20, 2016
Morning came and the five JMT hikers began packing up and getting ready to start hiking. Nick and Brenna were all set to hit the trail. Newton, Yak, and Squeegee had to head
July 20, 2016
Morning came and the five JMT hikers began packing up and getting ready to start hiking. Nick and Brenna were all set to hit the trail. Newton, Yak, and Squeegee had to head
July 19, 2016
My plan had been to get up early and maybe catch sunrise at the top of Benson Pass. I accidentally slept in until 6:00am though and this did not happen. On the
July 18, 2016
I woke up to find everything covered in frost: my sleeping bag, my backpack, and my filter... oops. The water in my water bottles had not frozen and I hoped the filter itself
July 17, 2016
Conscious of the fact that I was not camped in the correct location, I was up at 6:00am. The last few miles of the previous day had included some stomach trouble and
July 16, 2016
I woke to a beautiful sunrise and chilly morning. It took me a while to get ready to go partly because I was still finding my trail routine again and partly because the
July 15, 2016
The morning was not as bad as I thought it would be given the lack of sleep my last night in Oakland and the first day back hiking after two weeks off. Part
July 14, 2016
I spent the morning repackaging my food and cramming it all into the bear canister. After that I had to figure out how to make the bear canister fit into my backpack along
July 6-13, 2016
The first few days at Murphy's were spent working on the software project for most of the day punctuated by trips into town for meals. There were quite a few to choose
July 2-5, 2016
We all slept in after the late night. Once everyone was up we headed to a place Raptor had highly recommended for brunch. It was delicious. Next we hit the beach.
July 1, 2016
After our 35 mile day we slept in a bit. Unfortunately this meant the mosquitos were up by the time we started packing up. After an hour of descent we were out of