Log: Day 94 - Mile 1046.8

Log: Day 94 - Mile 1046.8

July 15, 2016

The morning was not as bad as I thought it would be given the lack of sleep my last night in Oakland and the first day back hiking after two weeks off. Part way through the morning I finished listening to Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel, an audio book, and spent the rest of the morning thinking about how large of a role I wanted travel to play in the rest of my 20's.

I took a break for lunch and ran into Butterscotch while I was sitting. We both recognized each other but couldn't place where exactly we had first run into each other. Despite all the nobos I crossed paths with I ended up camped alone. I was looking forward to reaching the John Muir Trail intersection after which there would be many more south bounders.