Captain's Log: Day 6 - Mile 114.9
April 19
As planned, the day began early and the 5 of us were on trail Early morning start. We were moving quickly in the morning chill but perhaps not quite awake enough. Anthony lightly twisted an ankle and then strained his shin. We slowed it way down the last mile to water and then wrapped and taped both.
We set out again taking it easy and hiking with Sabrina who was still having blister problems. We made it in to Warner Springs around noon with no further trouble. D0za was there waiting for us and we headed up to the restaurant on the golf course for lunch.
Lunch took quite a while with people leaving and new hikers joining. We made it back to the community center and hit the trail around 4:00pm to avoid the black hole of town. We made it about 5 miles out to the first water and camped with Carolyn.
a tire swing on the way demanded attention