May 19, 2016
At David's suggestion Eeyore and I had breakfast at a diner a few blocks away. Next up was a bus over to Silverlake to meet up with my friend, Molly, who I've known since birth.
It had been a few years since we had really caught up and things had been going really well for her. She illustrates a web comic, Strong Female Protagonist, and is currently working a book deal as well but hoping to move into animation. Pretty sweet.
With a few more days to kill in LA after Eeyore left I decided it would be worth it to get a cheap Chromebook to wrap up some projects I hadn't gotten to before leaving for the trail. We headed to a Best Buy back in Westwood to pick one up and then to a Starbucks to hangout until David finished with his commitments for the day.
It wasn't until an hour later that I realized I didn't have my wallet. Without my backpack to put everything in, I had dropped it shuffling things around outside the Best Buy. I retraced my steps and asked at the store but was out of luck.
The western district police station wasn't too far away so we headed there so I could file a report. After that we headed back towards David's place with dinner along the way. David was at a talk until after 9:00pm so we just hung out on the apartment lawn for a while. We headed to bed after a second dinner of ramen.