Captain's Log: Day 2 - Mile 37.8

Captain's Log: Day 2 - Mile 37.8

April 15

Sleeping in a valley by a lake has its pros, like readily available water, and it's cons, like waking up with everything wet from dew. We packed up and ate and left at around 8:30am, the last ones out.

It was a slow hot morning with a long break to dry everything out. At the first water source for the day we met Cupcake and Honeysuckle and hung out for a little in the shade with them.

The afternoon was also hot and slower than expected with a two hour lunch break during the heat of the day. We got in to camp at Long Canyon Creek around 6:30 completely beat and with slim pickings left for sites. We each found somewhere relatively flat to set up though.

With us at camp were Doza, Beige, Sabrina, Carolyn, Abby, a couple from Montreal, and a man from Germany. The temperature dropped quickly after sundown and we all tucked in around 7:30pm.