Captain's Log: Day 12 - Mile 273.0

April 25

Papa Smurf cooked a fabulous breakfast of potatoes, eggs, and pancakes for the eighteen of us there. It was quite the affair all of us migrating between the living room and the kitchen.

We got a ride out to the trail around 10:30 and got going. Slowly. It was our first real day of rest and recovery and our bodies weren't ready to get moving again quite yet. All five of us were on a frequent break schedule but plodded along steadily.

Our last water stop was at a spigot that took agonizingly long to fill up at. This put us a bit behind schedule for the last 4 mile push of the day. A steep uphill and awesome view later we arrived at a nice open area with plenty of camping. Dinner was social until the temperature dropped and the wind picked up.